Walking Next To Cancer Trailer
About The Book
In May of 2015, a holistic lifestyle coach is hired to help the post-operative recovery of a successful tough-as-nails business woman determined to defeat cancer with the same aggressive strong-willed determination that had served her so well this far. But what soon becomes clear is that much of “Jocelyn’s” success has been driven by internal hurt and emotional dysfunction and that what had once passed for happiness and peace of mind was, in Jocelyn’s case, predicated on dark unresolved issues. While her past experiences had forged Jocelyn into a “success” they are now getting in the way of her recovery. At war with herself, she is driven to compete with everyone around her. Unfortunately, the tactics and strategies that have served her so well in business are impotent when matched against a dis-ease like cancer, and so Jocelyn slowly and inexorably gives up ground in a fight for the first and last time in her life.
Walking Next to Cancer is a clarion call for us to look within and resolves the issues that are constraining us and eroding our internal resources.

A Pilgrimage Through the Self.
Book Reviews
I love it!
Inspiring journey! I totally support Mariya’s cause to make medical and holistic practitioners work together! Healing reading!
Lovely read. Opens up your perspective.
Authentic and honest! This author approaches our mental well-being and physical internal health as one interconnected system that cannot be treated as separate entities. Easy read, some fine humour and lots to reflect on.
I highly recommend this book.
Very uplifting book. I hope it will help many. It is frank and engaging. The perspective on disease as dis-ease makes perfect sense to me.
Walking Next to Cancer is delightfully entertaining, while being educational at the same time. The author, Mariya Taneva, draws you into story with her relatable descriptions. The book is easy to read and touches the heart, while thinking about one’s own growth and internal health. She stresses the importance of a collaboration between orthodox medicine and holistic healing, which I think most people, eventually, agree on. The commonalities of her own struggles and triumphs gave way to warm, inner smiles.
The author takes you on a thoughtful journey. An easy read with humour along the way. I agree with the physical/mental connection when it come to a healthy life. I have recommended this book to friends and family members.
This book is written with passion and inspiration about the author’s search for our deepest internal resources, the power of the human mind and spirit, in our disposition to fight any disease.
This is an honest and moving memoir about an extremely challenging and difficult period of her life and career.
The book conveys the message that traditional medicine mixed with holistic healing methods can create a powerful tool in fighting life threatening diseases such as cancer.
Maria is an authentic and simple author.
Through sharing her experience, Mariya takes us on three journeys; her own journey, her clients journey, as well as our own journey as we ponder through the different events described. It definitely is a pilgrimage through the self as we reflect on the degree of impact beliefs and thoughts can have on one’s behaviour and on one’s overall health and well-being. Mariya’s wisdom inspires much self-reflection. So much food for thought in this book and a reminder that dis-ease simply leads to further dis-ease. Thank you for sharing yours and Jocelyn’s story so authentically through your eyes.
A book for self reflexion!
Walking next to cancer by Mariya Taneva was a delight to read. An important reminder to stay in tune with what your body is telling you. A reminder of the duality of mind & body and how they affect one another. Pages in the back ask questions to encourage self reflection to identify things you need to let go of, move on and live your best life!
The marriage between orthodox medicine and holistic healing has been explored in this wrenching and honest memoir, Walking Next to Cancer. Mariya Taneva writes that the body knows not to support deception, bluff or trickery. Dishonesty is as much of a pathway to dis-ease as any cellular change. A brave book about the intersection between family dysfunction, illness, recovery and the many ways that the mind can be used as a tool to heal.
Mariya’s intense passion and dedication come shining through as she takes us through her journey of searching to find and heal the root cause and source of this dis-ease. A hint of Mariya’s humour comes through her words despite the struggles and pains of her story.
She brings to the surface the impact and clashes amongst family and friends and professionals whose actions (in most cases) come from a place of love and the best interest of the dis-eased.
You’ve taken a topic that is fraught with difficulty, humanized it through the lens of Jocelyn’s struggle with cancer, and written a manuscript that is frank and engaging. Your perspective on disease as dis-ease makes perfect sense, particularly when Jocelyn’s life is used as a vivid example of how such dis-ease can manifest itself. I believe that you have to say in these pages is applicable to anyone suffering a major illness—not just cancer.
Walking next to cancer is a book which helps you reflect on how you can live on a daily basis for years without listening to your body. Your body talks to you, you just have to take the time and listen to it.
It’s trying to find an easy way out of cancer, by believing any charlatans that crosses your route to survive, instead of willing to change one’s way of seeing life and living it through a holistic approach.
Bitterness, bad life style and eating habits will only give munitions to cancer. Unfortunately, when you don’t or won’t believe in a holistic approach, as Mariya was trying to do, the cancer will unfortunately continue to grow. Why? Because by pretending that your listening, while deep down inside you’re sending another message to your body, won’t help you at all. Think about it. Who are you kidding in the long run? You and only you!
You can change your life and your way of seeing life at any time. Evey little bit counts on a daily basis. I know that l have some changes to do thanks to Mariya. Great book that makes you see life in a different perspective!
I found this book to be an eye opener for me. It never dawn on me that my metal approach in life could have such an effect on my physical wellbeing. I knew like most people that my physical state affected my mental attitude but it never occurred to me that it also works the other way too. Through Mariya Taneva’s book I now understand how important it is to form the right mental framework to your life and your surroundings. The health ramifications can be crucially important to your long term all round health and of course happiness, not to mention the positive benefits to others around you. Other aspects of the book are very thought provoking on our approach to healing and wellbeing, what is good solution for the individual is not an appropriate or good to treat every individual. What type of healer, doctor, or specialist is right for you, as an individual? How can we get to a homogeneous health care focus where multi-discipline practitioners work in unison to treat an individual? This book as changed my direction in life, reset my priorities moving forward, it has put me back in the driver’s seat when it comes to looking after my own wellbeing.