How do I educate my clients?
Many of us struggle to lose weight or just be healthy. As we age, we discover health challenges that first present as “increased risk” before evolving into chronic disease – like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, back pain or other musculoskeletal conditions, etc.
The knowledge I offer leads my clients towards balancing of their physical, emotional and spiritual existence. I help them to achieve the highest potential for personal health and well-being through the following:
- How to breath properly while exercising.
- How to strengthen and control the core.
- How to manipulate their joints properly.
- How to reinvent their body and lead to perfection.
- How to eat better and sustain the desired weight.
- How to evaluate and improve their energy levels.
- How to improve their Lifestyle.
- How to love and appreciate Life even more.
- How to resurrect their soul.

What is “active aging with Mariya”?
Active ageing is the process of optimizing opportunities for health, participation and security in order to enhance quality of life as people age. Maintaining physical autonomy and independence for people is a key goal of my work.
Here is the base of my approach to active aging:
- Balanced program tailored according to your needs
- Nutrition advises for your purpose
- Attention and follow through your physical and emotional development
- Training indoors and outdoors
- Positive attitude to the aging process
- Constantly coaching and following up
- Achieving your goals is my priority

Do you know your life’s purpose?
Life is a miracle. It is a wonderful journey without an end. When we find who we truly are we will experience joy and serenity. Life is balance between Mind Body and Soul. To create this balance we need to be active, develop and experience. Authors who can help you to know yourself better: Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, Neale Donald Walsch, Paul Pearsall and many others.
- Balanced program tailored according to your needs
- Nutrition advice for your purpose
- Attention and follow through your physical and emotional development
- Training indoors and outdoors
- Positive attitude to the aging process
- Constantly coaching Maybe your doctor will take you off some medications after working out with me
- Achieving your goals is my priority

Do you love yourself?
Have you ever thought what your definition for LOVE is? Have you ever put yourself amongst the people you LOVE? Have you ever given LOVE without expectations?